Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 2, 2013 - identifying the parts of an introduction

Quarter One: Final Power Essay.  

Throughout this quarter we have read about various people using and abusing various powers. But power can be measured in different ways.  For example, Eichmann could be said to be responsible for killing millions of Jewish prisoners, but Tookie Williams saved an undocumented number of the world’s youth from joining gangs.  Of all the people we have read about and discussed in class, who is the most powerful and why? 

Directions:  For each example below, underline the thesis statement.  Also identify if the author used an image, the general theme or if it’s an unsatisfactory example. 

All you need is love.  What else could there be?  Try hugging a Nazi?  Sure, wrap your arms around a big Nazi and see if they hug back.  Doubtful.  On the other hand, The Beatles would wrap their arms around anyone who asked, anyone who needed an extra hand, a little help.  The Beatles may even give you a flower.  And that is because the Beatles possess a type of positive power that is unfounded in any other subject read about in English 10.  Their power is a power that continues to permeate to this day and will even into the future.  

Do you like the color blue?  Or do you like the color red?  Tookie Williams liked the color blue because he started the crips.  The crips wear blue and people who wear blue do things like listen to Snoop Dogg and crip walk.  Tookie was the most powerful person.

Every one of us has power.  How we use it, if we use it, separates the men from the monsters (and if they don’t use it, the mice).  Jim Jones used his power to its fullest extent. He also became a monster.  But being a monster cannot lessen the amount of power that people possess.  Yes, Jim Jones used his power for evil, but he was still the most powerful man of the subjects studied in English class.  

Power can be a tricky thing.  For some, power can be about feeling free and recognizing the choices they have in life.  For others, power can be about influencing a huge population of people to come together, or to fall apart.  And for many others, power can mean that they have the authority to abuse, to kill, to corrupt, to gain riches, or to oppress.  But while abuses of power are what most often make the nightly news, they are always temporary.  An abuser of power will always end up being held responsible for their  actions.   Power is only permanent if it has been used in a positive way.  Out of all the subjects discussed in English 10, the Beatles are the most powerful because their power influenced people worldwide in a positive way.

Whoops and war cries spread throughout the Black Hills.  United States troops were thrown into confusion.  The Lakota Sioux came from all sides, weapons held high and ready to kill.  Blood turned the grass green.  Maybe I think Crazy Horse was the most powerful guy we studied.  

Those golden arches called my name on the way home from work.  My mom doesn’t even bother making us food any more because she knows that we will just complain. How can she compete with that dollar menu? “Let me get ah . . . french fries, a McDouble, a Coke, and some of them cookies.” Four dollars. Four course meal.  As McDonald’s erects its golden arches across the globe, less and less families sit down and eat together, more people eat unhealthy meals, and health effects like diabetes have skyrocketed. McDonalds is the most powerful topic discussed this quarter in English 10 because they are recognized by millions world-wide, they use their recognition to target children, hooking them on their fatty foods, and they have impacted and continue to impact the health and lives of more people than any of the other subjects we studied. 

Do you eat McDonalds? If you answered yes, then you know what power tastes like. My name is Mr. D’Andrea and I will be telling you about why McDonald’s is super powerful.  First, they are in Canada. That’s cray. McDonalds is the most powerful because their food is cheap and delicious.

More children are able to recognize McDonald’s logo than recognize Jesus Christ. People and corporations can gain power through recognition.  Those golden arches can be found in over one-hundred countries. While some people, like the Beatles, use their power of recognition to promote peace, McDonalds uses it’s power of recognition to get people hooked on their unhealthy food, especially children. McDonalds has more power than the Beatles because it is more recognizable across the world, they do more harm than the Beatles do good, and McDonald’s will have a bigger impact on future generations. 

Ketchup splattered on his shirt like the spilled blood of Jewish people during the Holocaust.  The fries tasted too good to worry about cleaning up the mess.  It didn’t matter that he had a job interview in fifteen minutes. He needed to enjoy what was inside that red box with giant “M.” The commercial he saw the night before compelled him to go out of his way to taste that greasy goodness. McDonalds is the most powerful thing we studied this quarter because their food is deliciously bad for you. 

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