Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mr. D'Andrea's "Most Powerful" Essay Example

Quarter One: Final Power Essay.  

Throughout this quarter we have read about various people using and abusing various powers. But power can be measured in different ways.  For example, Eichmann could be said to be responsible for killing millions of Jewish prisoners, but Tookie Williams saved an undocumented number of the world’s youth from joining gangs.  Of all the people we have read about and discussed in class, who is the most powerful and why?

Those golden arches called my name on the way home from work.  My mom doesn’t even bother making us food any more because she knows that we will just complain. How can she compete with that dollar menu? “Let me get ah . . . french fries, a McDouble, a Coke, and some of them cookies.” Four dollars. Four course meal.  As McDonald’s erects its golden arches across the globe, less and less families sit down and eat together, more people eat unhealthy meals, and health effects like diabetes have skyrocketed. McDonalds is the most powerful topic discussed this quarter in English 10 because they are recognized by millions world-wide, they use their recognition to target children, hooking them on their fatty foods, and they have impacted and continue to impact the health and lives of more people than any of the other subjects we studied.

Recognition gives people and companies power.  Some people will choose what to buy just based on a logo, like Nikes. Some people will lay down their life or their morals for a symbol, like the American flag or the Swastika.  It is no surprise that McDonalds is extremely powerful.  According to Business Insider, “The golden arches are the most recognizable symbol in the world” (Lubin).  McDonald’s has gained more recognition in its fifty-eight years than most countries gain in centuries.  In a recent study conducted by the International Olympic Committee, Ronald McDonald was found to be more recognizable than Jesus.  According to the study, “In a survey of 7,000 people in six countries, 88 percent identified [McDonalds] two commercial trademarks, compared with 54 percent who recognized the Christian cross” (Carter).  This shows that McDonalds has used its marketing power to establish itself as one of the most recognizable companies and symbols in the world.  This is important because it demonstrates that recognition is necessary in order to expand a business and become more powerful.  However, sometimes when companies have such a powerful symbol, like McDonalds, they use their recognition to spread a product that may have adverse effects in order to gain a profit.  

Companies, like McDonalds, spread their product to become more powerful by targeting children with commercials, enticing them to become hooked on their food at an early age.  The earlier a company attracts a consumer, the longer they will have the customer.  McDonald’s creates life-long customers by attracting children and offering parents a cheap and convenient form of dinner. According to a 2010 study conducted at Yale University, “a whopping 40% of parents reported that their child asked to go to McDonald’s at least once a week, and 15% of preschoolers’ parents said they fielded such a request every day.” This shows that children, especially young children, like preschoolers, have been intentionally targeted by McDonald’s. This is important because it demonstrates how influential advertisements can be to children.  McDonald’s does more than just run commercials with kid friendly characters. They also use toys in their happy meals to attract children.  According to Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation, “nine out every ten American children between the ages of three and nine visit a McDonald’s once a month- as they and their parents are drawn by the seductive combination of playground facilities and give­away or special-edition toys, as well as the food.” This shows that McDonald’s knows that if they use strategies to attract children, they will have customers in the future. This is important because it shows that McDonald’s power is cyclical; by targeting children their power will continue to grow and as McDonald’s becomes more powerful, families will become weaker and people will become more unhealthy.

It is undeniable that America has grown less healthy since McDonalds started in the 1950’s. While McDonalds cannot be responsible for all of America’s growing health problems, they have played a significant role.  According to the Huffington Post, “Our fast-food culture has produced a population with widespread chronic illness and is a primary reason that health care costs are taking a devastating toll on just about everyone.”  This shows McDonalds is extremely powerful because not only do they produce mass amounts of food that are consumed by millions every day, they also affect the entire United States by contributing to higher healthcare costs.   People are more prone to obesity and diabetes because America’s fast food culture. This is important because it shows that McDonalds has the ability to impact an entire country’s health, lifestyle, and costs.

McDonalds is the most powerful topic discussed in English 10 because their impact on society is spreading.  If McDonalds keeps growing at the rate it has been over the last fifty years, the world will be in trouble.  They strategically use their power to hook children on their unhealthy foods by using commercials and providing cheap, convenient meals for parents to buy for their families.  As McDonalds puts up more golden arches across the world, people will become more sick and healthcare will rise affecting even the people who do not eat there.  This is why McDonalds is the most powerful.  

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