Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 23, 2013 - Creative Writing to Argue Opinion

Writing Assignment: Tookie’s Diary

Directions: Imagine Tookie Williams was granted clemency and was released from jail for his good behavior.   Write five journal entries in Tookie’s voice to describe what you would do in your first five days outside of jail.  I should be able to tell whether or not you think Tookie had the ability to change and truly redeem himself in the first few sentences.  Use examples from the text to help prove your opinion. Each journal entry needs to be at least half a page. 

Example: (Do not think he can change or be redeemed)
Day 1: I can’t believe they actually let me out of prison!  All I had to do was pretend to care about ending gangs and maintain my innocence.  It was even easier than I thought.  I mean they had to have read about the atrocious things I did to that store clerk. I was laughing when I told my brother about killing that guy, but I guess they believe the new Tookie because the evidence against me was definitely substantial. My dude, Easy, is on his way to pick me up to take me back to his crib, so we can celebrate. We got to his place and . . .

Example: (Think he truly changed and has redeemed himself)
Day 1: Praise the Lord. I owe my new freedom to him and the guidance he gave me in the last ten years of prison.  Through self-reflection and remorse, I realize that my role in with the Crips was terrible.  I’ve spent the last ten years trying to make amends for having started such a horrible organization.  The first stop for me now that I am free is church then to local youth center to talk to some teenagers who have written to me while I was in jail.  I need to know that they are truly learning from my mistakes.  At church, I prayed for . . .

*These examples are probably close to half a page hand-written. You need to have five diary entries similar to this that show your opinion.  You will turn this in.  Work for the entire period. 

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