Friday, September 13, 2013

September 12, 2013 - Writing - Using Textual Evidence in Comparison Essay

I can compare the uses of power that the Native Americans and The United States used in the mid-to-late 1800s.

To be able to do this I must understand

  • How to review my annotations for appropriate textual evidence
  • How to write a topic sentence
  • How to make a comment that explain and shows the importance of my evidence.
I will show I can do this is an a formal writing assignment that includes three body paragraphs and a conclusion. 

Here is the assignment.  Use this assignment sheet to help guide your thinking. 

Compare the power that Chief Crazy Horse and Chief Ouray had and how they used that power to defend the Native Americans from the United States.

PARAGRAPH 1: The United State
-          TOPIC SENTENCE:  What kind of power did the United States have and how were they using that power?
-          EVIDENCE:  Select a direct quote from the text that supports your topic sentence.
-          COMMENT 1:  Explain what the quote is showing.
o   “This shows . . .”
o   “This demonstrates . . .”
-          COMMENT 2:  Explain why the quote is important.
o   “This is important because . . .”

PARAGRAPH 2:  Chief Ouray
-          TOPIC SENTENCE:  What kind of power did Chief Ouray have and how did he use his power?
-          EVIDENCE:  Select a direct quote from the text that supports your topic sentence.
-          COMMENT 1:  Explain what the quote is showing.
o   “This shows . . .”
o   “This demonstrates . . .”
-          COMMENT 2:  Explain why the quote is important.
o   “This is important because . . .”

PARAGRAPH 3:  Chief Crazy Horse
-          TOPIC SENTENCE:  What kind of power did Chief Crazy Horse have and how did he use his power?
-          EVIDENCE:  Select a direct quote from the text that supports your topic sentence.
-          COMMENT 1:  Explain what the quote is showing.
o   “This shows . . .”
o   “This demonstrates . . .”
-          COMMENT 2:  Explain why the quote is important.
o   “This is important because . . .”

PARAGRAPH 4:  Concluding and Comparing the power in the texts.
  • -          Compare how Chief Ouray and Chief Crazy Horse used power to defend themselves against the United States.
  • -          Conclude with a 2-3 sentences that discuss what we learned about how power was used and the effect that it had.  

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